HardPy is an open source python package for creating test benches for devices

HardPy allows you to: |

[ ] Create test benches for devices using pytest;
{ } Use a browser to view, start, stop, and interact with tests;
( ) Store the test result to the CouchDB database.
  • Tests view in browser_
    HardPy includes a React application - HardPy operator panel. It allows you to use a browser to view your tests and write test results to a database.
  • Based on pytest_
    HardPy includes the pytest-hardpy plugin for pytest. Compatible with pytest versions above 7. You can run tests not only through the operator panel but also through the pytest itself.
  • Document-oriented NoSQL database_
    HardPy uses CouchDB as its database but you can write final result to any database because CouchDB stores data in a simple document. Developers can create their adapter for any database and store the test report in a way that suits them. By default HardPy allows you to store all reports in CouchDB. HardPy is compatible with CouchDB versions above 3.2.
  • Modern python_
    HardPy is based on the python 3.10 and supports versions 3.11, 3.12.
Our forward-thinking colleagues are revolutionizing their testing experience with our StandCloud+HardPy tools!
🎉 HardPy 0.9.0 is here! 🎉

🔥 Introduced support for embedding images into operator messages via the set_operator_msg function.

⚡️ Enabled non-blocking execution for set_operator_msg by utilizing the block=False parameter.

💡 Added the clear_operator_message function. Now, operator messages can stay open in non-blocking mode while tests continue running. You can close these messages programmatically from anywhere in the code, eliminating the need to manually click the close button or press Escape.

✨ Enhanced customization options by adding the font_size argument to DialogBox and set_operator_message, allowing you to adjust the font size in dialog boxes and operator messages.

✔️ Fixed a bug where operator messages and dialog boxes occasionally failed to appear before the browser page was reloaded.

HardPy is a part of Everypin - cross-platform open source PCBA functional test bench automation system.

Open source HardPy solution for test bench automation and StandCloud for management to control the test equipment fleet, store and analyze test data.
Learn more about StandCloud solution!
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